Useful Links and Information
Signposting Resources
These links are external to CPOC and we are not responsible for content , but we flag them to you here as a matter of interest. If you have any links you would like us to feature, please get in touch.

The British Geriatrics Society is the membership association for professionals specialising in the healthcare of older people across the UK. Founded in 1947, it now has over 3,900 members and is the only Society in the UK offering specialist expertise in the wide range of healthcare needs of older people.

The vision of Diabetes UK is a world where diabetes can do no harm. Diabetes UK are a charity leading the fight against the UK's biggest and growing health crisis. And it's a fight that involves us all – sharing knowledge and taking on diabetes together.

EBPOM is a not-for-profit collaborative project between a number of UK and international academic institutions that exists to promote the examination, discussion and application of evidence based medicine to perioperative care. Its aim is to improve the outcome of patients undergoing surgery, through creating a forum for research development, practical acquisition of essential skills and dissemination of evidence based perioperative knowledge.

The mission of the ERAS Society is to develop perioperative care and to improve recovery through research, education, audit and implementation of evidence-based practice.

The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is the professional body responsible for the training, assessment, practice and continuing professional development of Intensive Care Medicine doctors and practitioners in the UK.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine is the professional body responsible for the training, assessment, practice and continuing professional development of specialist medical practitioners in the management of pain in the UK.

Surgical Care Practitioners (SCPs) and Surgical First Assistants (SFAs) are an integral part of the modern surgical workforce. The aim of the Faculty of Perioperative Care is to offer support and career development opportunities for practitioners in this field, with regards to education, training and the setting of RCSEd-accredited standards.

Enhanced recovery is a modern evidence-based approach that helps people recover more quickly after having major surgery. Many hospitals – although not all – have enhanced recovery programmes in place, and it's now seen as standard practice following surgery for many procedures.

The Patient Information Forum is the UK membership organisation and network for people working in health information and support. PIF run the only UK-wide quality mark for health information – the PIF TICK.

PALS offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters. They provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers. You can find officers from PALS in your local hospital.

The Patients Association is an independent patient charity campaigning for improvements in health and social care for patients. Uniquely for an organisation with a remit covering all health and care issues, they work with patients directly and support thousands of people each year with their concerns and queries about the health and social care system.

POETTS evolved from the National Perioperative CPET meeting which has been held annually in London since 2008. POETTS promote standardised practice, deliver training and education in exercise testing and to promote the development, conduct and dissemination of audit, quality improvement and research. The society also aims to develop consensus guidelines to guide practice in perioperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing (PCPET).

The POPS team is an award-winning service and the first of its kind in the UK. It started in 2003 and has rapidly become an essential surgical support service. It is recognised locally and nationally as being of high quality, innovative and clinically effective. POPS look after older, complex patients undergoing elective and emergency surgery.

TRIPOM is an educational collaborative run by and for trainees and all other professionals who come into contact with the surgical patient.

The Personalised Care Institute (PCI) has partnered with the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) to launch the Money Talk Toolkit - a collection of free training and resources, created to equip health and care professionals with the personalised care conversation skills to support people with money-related health issues.
The launch of this free toolkit comes after research conducted by the PCI and MaPS found that, while health and care professionals are seeing an increase in the number of patients presenting with conditions potentially caused by money worries, the vast majority currently feel unequipped to have financial wellbeing conversations.

We are a UK registered charity dedicated to improving public health and saving the NHS money at the same time through sustainable lifestyle changes.
Click here to visit Public Health Collaboration website
Click here to visit Public Health Collaboration youtube channel

The Preoperative Association provides support, information and education for anaesthetists, nurses and other health practitioners involved in preoperative assessment and preparation.

Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) looks at the systems in place in maternity.
This is a toolkit to better team-working and patient safety addressing these can therefore positively impact on maternity unit culture, as improving clinical escalation requires solutions to flatten hierarchies, provide psychologically safe working environments, promote optimal teamwork, and support staff.
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