CPOC Publishes Guideline for the Perioperative Care of People with Diabetes Undergoing Surgery

The Centre for Perioperative Care has launched the 'Guideline for Perioperative Care for People with Diabetes Mellitus Undergoing Elective and Emergency Surgery.' Commissioned by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, this is the first full pathway guideline for the perioperative management of people with diabetes undergoing surgery.
The guideline is the first of many that CPOC will lead on and publish to advance the development of perioperative care transforming surgical pathways to the benefit of patients and clinicians alike, boosting service efficiency and reducing the burden of post-surgical complications.
Building on existing guidance, the guideline was developed by a multidisciplinary working group led by CPOC Deputy Director Dr Jugdeep Dhesi and joint clinical leads Dr Nicholas Levy and Professor Gerry Rayman. The group encompassed representatives from; the Joint British Diabetes Society (JBDS), Royal College of Surgeons of England, Royal College of Nursing, Primary Care Diabetes Society, Royal College of Anaesthetists, United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association (UKCPA), Diabetes UK, Royal College of General Practitioners, Get it Right First Time (GIRFT), patient representatives and members of Centre for Perioperative Care.
The scope of this guideline covers all aspects of perioperative care relevant to people with diabetes undergoing elective and emergency surgery in adult areas. It is written for clinicians and healthcare professionals involved in delivering care throughout the surgical pathway, as well as for managers and commissioners, people with diabetes and their carers.
The Guidance was covered by Professor Gerry Rayman at CPOC's first Perioperative Webinar on the 03 March 2021. Professor Rayman detailed that the guideline is the most comprehensive and multidisciplinary guideline to have been published on perioperative diabetes care and hopes that this will transform pathways for those with diabetes undergoing surgery and the care they receive.
Download the full guidance
Guideline for Perioperative Care for People with Diabetes Mellitus Undergoing Elective and Emergency Surgery