The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Surgeons of England have joined forces to announce a project that recognises the increasingly vital role played by Surgical Care Practitioners (SCPs) in the wider surgical team.

An official database for SCPs, titled the Managed Voluntary Register (MVR), provides SCPs with the opportunity to demonstrate to peers, employers, and patients that they are appropriately qualified and working to the standards set by the two Royal Colleges. This move strengthens the case for statutory regulation for SCPs in line with other Medical Associate Professions (MAPs).

The register is free to join for any eligible SCP, no joining fee and no annual subscription.

Supported by Health Education England, RCS Edinburgh and RCS England have unveiled this flagship initiative alongside a new SCP Curriculum which will be adopted by Higher Education Institutions.

There are a number of benefits in joining the register. If you are a practising SCP or in training, we encourage you to join today:

  • Access to a curriculum designed specifically for SCPs
  • Joining a UK-wide SCP network
  • Helping to raise the profile of SCPs
  • Validating qualifications, benchmarked by the two largest surgical colleges in the UK

If you have any questions about the Managed Voluntary Register, please contact